Types of Membership
Here is a list of the various membership types.
Regular Membership
Regular membership is open to an individual who serves as, or has served, in an executive level and/or command operational leadership position within an emergency medical services organization. Regular membership entitles the member to voting rights, the possibilty of holding an elected or appointed office and full access to all products/benefits the association makes available.
Dues per annum are $300.00 for Regular Membership.
Associate Membership
Associate membership is open to an individual who serves as, or who has served, in a position with defined supervisory responsibilities but who is otherwise not eligible for regular membership. Associate members have full access to all association products/benefits with the exception of voting rights and the ability to hold an office. Affiliate Membership.
Dues per annum are $150.00 for Associate Membership.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate membership is open to an individual who is a retired Chief Officer, or a career or volunteer EMS professional who serves, or has served, in an EMS organization, that is interested in furthering the leadership and profession of EMS; affiliate members can also be individuals that are in an emergency medical services or health services-related organization; the municipal, provincial, tribal or federal government; an academic or consulting organization. Affiliate members receive mailings, newsletters, certificate of membership and thanks for support. They do not have voting rights nor the ability to hold an office.
Dues per annum are $100.00 for Affiliate Membership.
Member Benefits
Discounts for Members are provided by following companies :
- Oakley
- Maui Jim Eyewear
- Columbia Sportswear
- Promotive
An annual scholarship to The Harvard Kennedy School of Government’s Senior Executives in State and Local Government program.
These are just to name a few!
New benefits for members are being added all the time… Join now to find the latest offers and the relevant codes to access our special purchase plan.